Saturday, 19 May 2012

A very tired and slightly hung-over Maggie writes this blog today. Yesterday was beloved's birthday and there was much drinking and silly dancing to be had. Among many other presents beloved did receive some knitted socks which went down very well.

During the week I have been doing a spot of hexipuffing and the collection is up to 10 now. Still not enough to make any kind of project from but it's keeping me amused. I have started begging friends for left over sock yarn now so that I can have more colours.

I finally got my new phone which means I can do nice pictures now and I whipped up a phone case to keep it nice and safe.

I know the fabric and the ribbon might not go together but I just wanted to put my favourites together.

While I was out walking on Thursday I spotted some yarn bombing by a woman I met called Wendy.
I am super impressed, this tree looks lovely and snuggely warm. Wendy did this in memory of a friend who passed away and she is currently busy planning knitting charity events with St Luke's Hospice. Very excited about what she's up to and looking forward to getting involved.

Works In Progress
I feel today might be the day to resume work on the bias blanket and get over the little tiff that we had. It will be nice to get it done and maybe move on to some stash busting with the extreme knitting needles.

Crafty Web Stuff
So less craft more cooking this week. I discovered a recipe on a friends pinterest board and I had to try it. It;s called Nutella Mug Cake and is so easy to make, just put all the ingredients in a mug and microwave.

This was my attempt, it was so yummy but I couldn't eat it all, very filling and had a heavy brownie texture to the sponge. I recommend giving it a go.

Well I'm off to find sewing patterns for eye masks so I can nap thought the day.
Ta ta

1 comment:

  1. Auf meiner heutigen Blogbummelei bin ich zufällig bei Dir gelandet. Ja und wo ich kreative Bloggerinnen und Wollsüchtige treffe, fühle ich mich schon wohl. Schön hast Du es hier, ich schau gerne wieder rein.
    Liebe Rosaliegrüße ∙∙♥♥∙∙
